Welcome to my first blog!
Not only am I returning to blogging after nearly 8 years since my last blogging venture, but I am also returning to becoming more visible on social media again. I have not posted on my business pages for MONTHS – in fact, nearly a year.
But first, to give a little backstory on the blogging aspect, the last time I had a blog was about 8 years ago. I was the founder and co-owner of a blog called, Perfectly Imperfect Parents. I loved that gig. Never made a penny, lost money from it actually, but it brought me so much joy - and therapy - as much as it did for many others. It was actually a staple for many to view the raw sides of parenthood, especially of those who were doing it alone. Only reason why I had stopped was because my ex intimidated me to quit. He felt every blog speaking the truths of my struggles and the projection it placed on my child was an attack on him and his character. If only I was more courageous to say, “That’s a you problem, but my blog is helping many, including myself as a parent and person”. It’s a shame how one person can stop a world of joy sometimes.
This time, I am blogging along side another great love of mine – Helping others.
I am a Manifestation Coach, as many refer to as a Life Coach. I love what I do, and I figured I would start blogging, so others could connect more into who I am and what it’s about.
However, I would like to share about the breaks; why I took a break from social media & why I have returned.
So, about a year ago, I moved from a house that was not in good condition. I had been dealing with it as a way to save money, so I could afford to buy a home. The place I was staying at was always going to be a temporary place to stay for my son and I, it just so happened to take longer than expected through inflation and the horrendous housing market.
Last year, I was in the process of buying a “short sale”… by the way, if you don’t know what those are, short sales do NOT mean “short” in duration! In fact, short sales are the exact opposite. They are the longest real estate process ever! It actually means that the bank is short on receiving the funds on how much was owed to them before the owners lost their home from delinquent payments. So, if you’re in the market to buy - avoid short sales at all costs, if you can! It took me 9 months of fighting for a house that eventually did not work out, and then had to start from scratch. Plus, it took another 5 months after that before I got my deposit back.. Zero stars, do not recommend!
Through this whole process, I was being tested repeatedly. I was living a nightmare. However, this is mainly where I found my teachings that I use in my coaching business today. I, now, get to share how I was able to face a depressing environment and still contain happiness, gratitude and the process of manifestation.
BUT… before I get to do that, I needed a break.
So, while I thought I was at the final stages of finalizing on my house – “the short sale home”, I was running out of time at the house I was living in. Hoping there was only a month gap, I reached out to a friend (soon-to-be boyfriend 😊) and shared the details of what I had been dealing with and the worries of that gap. He offered to open his home for my son, dog and I. It was the answer to my prayers that I had been searching for. So, shortly after, we moved in. It was during this time that I realized how that house that we had been trying to deal with, sustain and just muster through the rough conditions had stolen so much of my security, joy and most importantly, peace.
After the move, it was like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I could finally relax. I didn’t need to survive anymore. I didn’t need to face those overwhelming responsibilities that weren’t mine. I didn’t have to worry about things breaking or going wrong constantly. I didn’t have to worry about…anything. I hadn’t felt that in a long time.
Which lead to my decision to take a break from social media. Everything in my life finally felt easy, felt freeing and peaceful. To obligate myself to create content just to put myself out there and be visible, just didn’t sit well with me at that time. I needed a break from obligations. My life was just one big obligation to everything and everyone else ever since I was a little girl, so for once, I didn’t feel like I had that, and I loved how it felt to be content.
I learned how much content creating became this game of the algorithms, trends and hashtags. I acknowledged how frustrating it was to put so much work into reels and content for barely anyone to see them. I lost the joy and the creativity to do it at that time. So, I just stopped. And honestly, I never felt better to do so! It was the last thing that I felt was restraining me, and I finally felt at ease when I let it go.
Sometimes, you just need to step away from things that aren’t serving you, not serving a purpose anymore or no longer giving you joy. Taking a break often brings back more creativity and then you can look at it when you return with fresh eyes and new ideas.
Now, for the reason for the return… First of all, It is time!
Honestly, it has been time for months now, I just been over welcoming my stay in hibernation from social media. But what finally sparked this new beginning was that I have landed an opportunity to work with a local organization focused on creating restorative and mindset building programs for the justice system for adults and juveniles. It is a local organization where I will be serving others within my community on a consistent basis. So far, it has been such a rewarding experience as I conduct Youth Anger Management and Life Coach those in the Returning Citizen’s program. I feel like this is the perfect opportunity and it will create a curiosity in others to check out who I am as a Coach and as a person. Social media is the first step to get others in the door, and blogging is a way to get others to stay a while and enjoy the experience.
I am not a content creator, I am a Coach. That is why it is it can be difficult to blend the two. However, I know the importance of being visible as a Coach. So, my 11 month break has finally reached its end. I have decided to become more visible again. But this time, I will post when it feels right to me, not when I feel like the algorithm is in my favor. I will post what feels good to me and not just post to have something out there. I will not just post about “Coaching” like all the business coaches tell you to do. I will post about coaching tools, tips and experiences learned, but will also post some of my personal life, so others can resonate and grasp a better understanding of who I am and what I’m about.
Every Coach has a story, I want to share my stories, so you can understand how I’m qualified to even speak about overcoming challenges. Many Life coaches have one story that they hang onto and use as a repetitive lesson. My life has been filled with multiple challenges, experiences, lessons and various ways I overcame things. Otherwise, I just sound like any other “Pandemic” Coach out there that decided during the days of the Covid outbreak that they would read some quotes and call themselves Life Coaches. I will be giving you the raw, real and dirty truths about coaching, “manifestation”, life lessons and how to truly break habits and create breakthroughs in your life by what I learned in multiple courses and again, through my own experiences.
So, hop on and stay tuned for new content. I will be sharing a lot about my hurting & healing journey, and all of what I have unbelievably received into my life lately. If you want to learn how to manifest your own desires and meeting your own goals into your life as well, I offer 1:1 programs where I teach that to you. You’ll view my content, blogs and see how it is possible! If I can, then you most definitely can as well!
Jenn Everson
Transformation Coach & NLP Practitioner
Owner, Forever Soon Fulfilled
Blog #1
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