"I HATE people!"
Do you ever just say this out of frustration? Or do you honestly feel this way towards people?
As a former quoter of "I hate people" or "I can't stand people", please allow me to shift your perspective too.
I posted a video on my TikTok the other day of an experience that I had. And the comments I received in response were amusing to me. I shared how I showed kindness and compassion to a stranger that was panhandling for money, and using this as way to show others that being open minded and open hearted to strangers can help connect you to more good people, especially if we would typically judge them in a different light. By getting closer to people, whether that means searching to reach a stranger with kindness & compassion or creating a circle of likeminded and giving people, this will minimize your thoughts of "hate" especially towards humans in general. Well, the comments started flying!!! "No! I really do hate people!", which again.. was amusing.
So, I created a response video to that...which followed up with more comments, "Oh, well, of course, I know there are good people out there"... so then your initial statement was incorrect.
So, I figured maybe my blog may hit a little bit more in-depth of what I'm trying to convey.
When I posted my video, I explained that the best way to combat your thoughts that you "hate people" are by getting closer to people. You need to surround yourself with people that have good hearts, serving hearts and open hearts. Create a circle of those with positive mindsets or at least developing in their own journey. Surround yourself with others that wouldn't use such language as "hate". Then start serving the community. You may not have spoken to people who were homeless before, were troubled or struggle far worse than you, but by opening your mind and heart, you realize how much more good is out there in the world. By initiating a conversation with strangers on the street or in a store, this will help connect you with good people and rebuild that human connection.
The biggest problem with society is false human connection. Social media is filled with negative posts, drama or masking (only showing the super great parts of life, covering their troubles). It's not reality, all false connection. Have you ever met with a friend that you saw on social media that posts nothing but positive moments in their lives, but when you have an eye-to-eye conversation, they pour out to you how much they have been struggling?
Then you have the news that is filled with mainly bad reports. It showcases local crimes, natural disasters, politics, government & systematic corruption, etc. All which seems completely out of our control. We are not supposed to be exposed to all of the troubles of the world, it is too much for us to carry. It's puts us all in a state of doom and helplessness. So, that's why we need to re-direct our lives to focus on what we can control and what is good in the world. What we can control is how we treat others, treat ourselves, practice gratitude which puts us in a state of achieving, and becoming the light in someone else's darkness and be a part of the solution.
Of course, there will always pain and darkness in this world and you'll experience it directly as well, but our thoughts create our reality. So, if you focus on good, you'll see more of the good. If all you feed into, zone in on or focus on is "bad", "pain" or what's out of your control, then you'll constantly attract more of those feelings and people who confirm those feelings.
So, in conclusion of what I'm trying to say...
Using language such as "hate" is the first mistake, replace with "dislike" & remove it from being connected to "people" as a whole
If you zone in and consume nothing but hate, pain, corruption, negativity and the bad people, then you're only attracting it more into your line of vision and clouding your heart & judgement
Do not label your "hate" towards the entire population. Some people are bad, some people are good. We were born into a world designed that way, instead shift your perspective that you get to experience the negatives also, because those challenges trigger our growth & development
Acknowledge and accept social media is not true human connection, find true connection in person
Reframe from filling your mind with negativity by watching the news and social media. Minimize and set a daily time reminder on your apps to restrict long usage. Allow yourself only very small doses of the news each week, but after you have fueled your mind with positivity and filled your cup entirely first.
Surround yourself and fill your circle of friends with those that are positive and/or have open hearts, minds and serving hearts
Always look to speak to strangers, open your mind and heart to see more good in the world through those experiences
Be patient and show kindness as everyone is struggling and trying to figure out this thing called life. We're all souls on a human journey
Jenn Everson
Transformation Coach & NLP Practitioner
Owner, Forever Soon Fulfilled
Blog #8
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